underwear, bathing suit, emphasized bodyparts, etc.) posts must be marked as NSFW within at most ~30 minutes of posting.Ĭontent from shows and manga released in the last 48 hours must be marked as a spoiler.ĭo not post content from Seitokai Yakuindomo, Shimoneta or Keijo!!!!!!!! - Screencaps from Seitokai Yakuindomo, Shimoneta, and Keijo!!!!!!!! will be removed as almost any scene from these anime can be taken out of context. Is the post completely self-explanatory? If it is, post it on /r/animefunny instead.Īdd the source of the anime/manga screencap between square brackets in the post title.Īny risqué/lewd/ecchi (e.g. This sub is for unmodified screenshots and clips only. No meme videos, edited screenshots, image macros, rage comics or any other modified media.
No reposting anything among the first 3 submissions on top/all-time. No reposting any post younger than 3 months Type ' source OR flair: source' in the search box above the submit button to see if your submission has already been posted. Post screencaps from anime, manga, and visual novels that are not intended to be funny but are, when taken out of context.